Today we released a new ThinkBalm Innovation Community work product: a 5-minute machinima (video) demonstrating the concept and value of a 3D immersive situation room, or war room. A ThinkBalm Innovation Community project team came up with the term “bridge” from the bridge on a ship. According to Wikipedia today, the bridge is an area or room from which the ship can be commanded.
The bridge is an immersive 3D space where decision makers and project team members can meet to view and interact with data, collaborate, and make business decisions. It can be the bridge between the physical world and the virtual world; an organization and the outside world; and where we are and where we want to go. It can be the bridge among people who need to collaborate across silos, cultures, languages.
Huge kudos to the following ThinkBalm Innovation Community members for their work on this project:
- Actors: Ben Lindquist, Casey Carter, Leslie Ehle, Philippe Barreaud
- Bikeybus digital models: Julien Borne
- Green Phosphor data visualization tool: Ben Lindquist
- Voting tool: Jeff Lowe
- Location: Leslie Ehle
- Concept development: Anders Gronstedt, Ben Lindquist, Donald Schwartz , Jeff Lowe, Leslie Ehle, Philippe Barreaud, and Sandy Adam