Submit a Guest Post


Criteria for Guest Post

Originality: Content must be original. The post must be written by you and not previously published anywhere else including your own blog or website.

Length: Posts should be at least 500 words.

Images: Please include at least one relevant dominant graphic and any relevant screenshots.

Outbound Links: You can include a maximum of two outbound links and one in the author’s bio for a total of three external links.

Internal Links: Please include an internal link to a relevant article from Think Balm. Head over to our internet-related blog posts to see examples.

Topics: The content should be relevant to any topic you feel helps people living in the Digital Age. If you don’t see where your article falls under one of the acceptable topics, please also read the example about a Rolex watch. Just keep referring back to internet-related themes in your article. That is acceptable.

Publication Dates: At Think Balm, we do our best to adhere to the dates promised, but on occasion, unforeseen events arise so no dates are guaranteed.

If you are interested in submitting a pitch, please email Include Think Balm in the subject line.