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News Article Example: How to Write a Happy Article About a Sad Subject, 4 Ways

news article example


This post shares a local news article example.

Why do I feel qualified to explain to you how to write a local news article?

I just shared a local news article when I discussed the controversy over whether students in the Los Angeles Unified School District should wear masks: https://original.newsbreak.com/@janice-wald-1592519

Are you stumped about how to write an uplifting article about a local problem in your area?

How can you make people feel good about a depressing problem? It sounds like a contradiction.

By reading this post and following this news article example, you can do it and boost your chances of getting chosen by the editors.

When they see your article helps both readers and people suffering from a local problem, they are more likely to pick you.

Most of these tips are free for readers to follow.

These strategies work whether you’re writing for an offline publication or an online publication.

Let’s get started discover how to write a news article by following this news article example.

News Article Example

If you need a local news article example, consider my city. I live in Los Angeles.

Housing is through the roof and tent cities are everywhere.

News Article Example Step 1: Explain the Problem

Start by telling the editors about a problem that causes depression in your area.

In the case of this news article example, I’d give statistics about the growing population of the homeless. I’d also give quotes showing the importance of psychology in understanding the true problem of the homeless: the decrease in self-worth.

News Article Example Step 2: Share Efforts to Solve the Problem

A different news article example might include efforts to cheer people up during the recent pandemic.

Facebook users used their FB status and groups to let people suffering from the pandemic financially, medically, and in other ways, know, “You matter.”

News Article Example Step 3: Share Your Unique Ideas to Solve the Problem

What if you don’t have any original ideas to solve the problem? What if you simply want to draw attention to the plight of the people suffering?

You can offer resources to the people involved. For instance, are there online groups where people get together to discuss the problem? Facebook groups, for instance, seem to exist on all topics.

Reddit subreddits also have online forums that discuss problems. Reddit also has an active news thread that gets a great amount of engagement and discussion.

This sense of community is vital for people affected to realize they are not alone.

Perhaps you can offer memes just to get them to smile.

For instance, “Best I Can Do Is” memes show people in a funny way that everyone tries but they don’t always hit a homerun every time so to speak.

You might even recommend Instagram meme accounts.

Did you know studies show endorphins increase when people use TikTok? TikTok is free to use. Will you recommend people grow their TikTok accounts? This might help generate some good vibes so they smile.

News Article Example Step 4: How to End Your Article

You can end your article with ways your readers can help the victims.

For instance, you can offer links to support forums. Huddol is a website that deals with people with stress. Remind readers and those suffering alike that life is beautiful. Tell your readers that they can make a difference.

The strategies in this post are free. However, if you want to tell them how they can financially help those suffering, you can.

Wrapping Up: News Article Example

In closing, this post shared how to market your content to news agencies: Follow this 4-step news article example and you’re sure to impress editors.

This post recommended Facebook and Instagram as resources for the people suffering. I realize they may not have access to smartphones let alone a data plan that allows them to browse social media.

However, your readers may go there and be able to use these resources. Even more obscure social media sites like MeWe have groups that might be of help.

This post recommended you provide uplifting quotes. By the time your news article is published, people might be sending you gratitude quotes for the article that improved community awareness of a local problem.

Featured image source: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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