lifestyle blog post ideas
Social Media

Why Are Blogs Social Media? 5 Important Reasons

This post answers the question, Are blogs social media?

The answer is “sometimes.”

Are you wondering, “When are those times?”

Here is your answer: When social media sites allow you to blog, then the answer to the question, “Are blogs social media?” is yes.

This post reviews the social media sites that let you blog.

By reading this post, you’ll know which social media sites let you blog, allow you to monetize your content, and the similarities and differences between social media and blogs.

Let’s get started exploring the answer to the question, “Are blogs social media?”

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Social Media

How to Succeed on Social Media by Engaging Users, 7 Powerful Ways

Do you know the types of social media engagement?

By reading this post, you discover how to grow your social media accounts using the different types of social media engagement.

After years of experimentation, I am happy to share ideas I’ve discovered that work to grow your social media accounts.

You can organically grow your social media accounts with

  • Instagram stories
  • Influencer outreach
  • Videos
  • Branding
  • Eye-catching fonts
  • Memes
  • Filters

Although these strategies are designed for Instagram, you can apply them to other social media sites.

The best part: These methods are free.

It’s true. Following these strategies for boosting the various types of social media engagement results in organic growth for your social media accounts.

Let’s get started exploring the various types of social media engagement.

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Importance of Facebook in our life
Social Media

Importance of Facebook in Our Life: How Facebook Affects You, 6 Ways

Quora intimated that Facebook is not important. I beg to disagree.

Facebook affects you in many ways. This post explains six of those ways.

Facebook has over two billion users. That is one-third of the planet. All those people can’t be wrong about the importance of Facebook in our life.

By the time you are done reading, you may find more uses for Facebook other than the ways you currently use the popular social media site.

If you are not using Facebook at all, you may get ideas for using Facebook you didn’t think of before reading this review.

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marketing Monday
Social Media

How to Gain Fans on Social Media, 7 Ways

Do you want to know how to gain fans online?

Are you looking to discover how to get more social media followers?

As we all know, organic social media methods don’t work as well as they used to. Social media sites are businesses. They want you to pay to play in order to get visibility.

However, this post shares certain proven free methods.

By reading this guide, you learn how to gain fans on Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and Reddit using seven free methods.

Let’s get started finding out how to gain fans.

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obscure social media
Social Media

7 Obscure Social Media Sites

Obscure social media sites.

Why would you need them?

Why would you need anything obscure?

Why would little-know websites be helpful?


Being a proverbial “little fish” in a “big pond” is tiresome.

You swim around and around hoping to get attention, but there are so many other fish there, no one interested in fishing notices you.

On social media sites, people fish for attention.

With so much competition, standing out is next to impossible.

Obscure social media sites to the rescue!

On obscure social media sites, you still get the benefit of mainstream social media sites:

  • Network with like-minded thinkers.
  • Network with like-minded content creators
  • Learn from content created on those sites.
  • Promote your content to boost your brand and traffic.
  • Make money.

By the time you’re done reading this post, you’ll know how to do all these things on obscure social media sites.

You may have never heard of these sites, but they still hold all the benefits of mainstream social media sites.

Let’s get started learning about obscure social media websites.


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