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How to Get More YouTube Views

Okay, so the question, how to get more views on YouTube in 2020 is bothering you. You want YouTube traffic, and fast! The steps are easy. They are not complicated but they call for hard work and patience. So, maybe fast is not the right word. However, we have seen some ‘overnight success’ with a few YouTube channels we’ve worked on. This is not easy to duplicate, though. You can expect to get traffic with time if you keep doing the right thing nonetheless.
1. Write Catchy titles
People want to be shocked, people want to be provoked. You have to either create something that they agree with strongly or disagree with really strongly. Make your titles charged and hard to resist. There are words that always get attention no matter what. Although this has been known for ages, it still works and we never get used to it. It’s like we are robots programmed to respond to these words.
2. How to get more views on YouTube using clickbait Thumbnails
Yes! This is annoying but somehow, we click on these even though we know the thumbnails are click bait. It is one of the easiest ways to get more views on your videos. Have you seen those animal YouTube videos where they show things like an eagle lifting a lion? Of course, you know an eagle cannot lift a grown lion. You know it’s clickbait but you still give these videos millions of views. You can’t help it. People are usually willing to forgive you so long the video is good even if they came to it via clickbait.
3. Optime Your thumbnail for SEO
Most people do not know that you can optimise your thumbnails for SEO. Go to google and search for top “10 most brutal dogs.” Now click on Google images and hover over the pics. You will find that a good number of them show “Youtube’
Those are Youtube thumbnails that were SEO optimised. How? Just give your thumbnail file the same name you would like to rank for. If you’re making a video about the best pizza places in Texas, name your thumbnail as ‘The best pizza places in Texas.”
4. How to get more views on YouTube with Keyword optimized titles
Forget fancy titles. No one cares about your clever English skills unless they already know you and have subscribed, waiting for your videos. Hint: This is extremely hard to achieve. So what do you do instead? Write what people are searching for. Go to Google, type in your video idea. For example, if you are trying to make a video on Apple cider vinegar, go to Google, type in ‘Apple Cider Vinegar,” Then check the suggested searches at the bottom. You can also use Ubersuggest for this, as well as Google’s Keyword Planner. The rule is to name your video the same thing people are searching for
5. How to get more views on YouTube: Optimise your tags
Youtube is the second largest search engine after Google. But, how does it figure out what video to pull up? Via tags, descriptions, titles, and thumbnail names. Make sure you include all necessary tags. How do you know what tags to include?
Refer to No, 4 above. Go to Google, search for Apple cider vinegar, then check what search suggestions pop up and break these up for your tags. For example, our suggested searches for apple cider vinegar are:
Our tags, in this case, would be ‘Apple Cider Vinegar uses’ ‘Apple cider cures” ‘apple cider side effects’ ‘Make apple cider vinegar’ “Apple cider detox” etc. Just use words related to your topic.
6. Ride on the success of other channels
This might be a little like a cheat but…. we think it’s alright. If you are not comfortable, then do not do it. There is no known penalty for this and most pro video creators do it.
What you do is go to the best performing video on your topic, then click ‘view source’. This will bring up the source code for the page. Next, hit CTR+F then in the search box, type ‘keywords”. This will bring you the tags that video uses. You can then copy all of them or preferably a few of them.
You can also try to include the name of the best performing channel on your topic in your tags. What this does is bring up your video in the suggestion panel whenever people watch that popular channel.
7. How to get more views on YouTube with Frequent posting
Okay, they always say quality over quantity. Is that really true? Well, the truth is there is a balance somewhere. Creating one super quality video per month cannot be as good as creating 10 average videos so long they deliver the intended message. You can get away with satisfactory content that is mass produced.
When it comes down to it, there is too much involved in the success of videos and it is clear that a hundred average videos are better than 1 super quality one. If you have lots of videos, you have a greater chance of showing up in the search pages and the suggestion panel, provided you have done everything else right.
8. Try to get some initial views and likes
Getting more views to your youtube channel might need some promotion. YouTube favours videos that have some engagement. You can do this by paying for views on reputable platforms. Try contacting a social media star in your niche and ask them to promote your video. Or you could just go to Fiverr and buy a gig for views. Make sure you read some reviews to verify the authenticity of the views.
9. HD video and audio
Your final video edit has to be stunning. You need HD Video to get subscribers and fans on your YouTube Vlogs and there are no two ways about this. Unless your video is a tutorial for immortality, no one will stick around and watch it if it’s got like 3 pixels. People these days won’t watch a 480p video.They want 1080p, at least. Make sure both your audio and video are crystal clear. If you will be doing screen recordings, make sure you get yourself a good free screen recorder such as OBS Studio or iSpring Free Cam.