What is Online Editing? 3 Easy Tricks for 2022

what is online editing

This post answers the question, “What is online editing?”

By reading this article, you also discover how to do online image editing, online text editing, and online video editing.

Let’s get started discovering the answer to the question, “What is online editing?”

What is Online Editing?

To edit means to change, so online editing means to change content online.

You can change text, images, or video content. This post gives you free resources for online editing.

Therefore, online editing means changing any content type online.

What is Online Editing Examples

what is online editing

Online Image Editing

People handy with tools like PhotoShop know how to change static images.

Would you like to edit other people’s memes? You can with free and easy-to-use tools. Memes are popular since people love humor. Here you find information about how to edit memes with a handy template. https://www.mostlyblogging.com/best-i-can-do-meme/ ​

Is branding important to you? With all the online competition, it should be.

Let’s examine how you can edit custom Instagram stickers to boost branding. The Any Sicker app gives you hashtags and templates for your to modify to allow you to add your custom sticker to Instagram stories. Here is a tutorial and more information: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/custom-instagram-sticker/

Do you want to edit Instagram stories and post them as your own? You can! Many sites offer you free Instagram story templates for you to modify. Some of them even have a free scheduler for you to post your story at a later date. You will find the templates and more information here: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/instagram-story-viewer-online/

Have you heard of Word Clouds? You can use them on social media, in schools, and other purposes. Free tools have templates for you to modify to make the word cloud your own. You will find more information, examples, and tutorials here: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/best-word-cloud-generator/

Online Text Editing

Would you like to edit text content? You can with fancy fonts.

Fonts add personality often handy during holidays like Halloween. To see what I mean, check out this cursed text generator. Easy to use, free tools let you add a spooky feel to your fonts. Here you find more information about how to generate cursed text: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/cursed-text-generator/

Are you an upside-down typer? Here you will find ways to make 3’s upside down if you want to use them to make a heart. This guide explains how to type upside-down n’s and make other letters appear upside down. In addition, this guide offers free third-party tools that allow you to have backward text in addition to upside-down text: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/upside-down-text/.

Related Reading: Here you will find ways to make text look weird.

Online Video Editing

Let’s look at how you might edit video content with free and easy tools.

Given that TikTok just reached 1 billion followers and YouTube continues strong, let’s explore how to edit video content with free and easy apps.

Splice is famous for its music library. A large collection of free music awaits you when you use Splice. You can save the music in your Favorites for later use. I often piece together video clips to post on my TikTok. I have only just scratched the surface when it comes to exploring Splice. You can explore for free too. More information about Splice can be found here along with tutorials: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/splice-app-review/

Instasize video:
When I first started using Instasize video its perk was it had a video size perfect for Instagram. Although most video editing sites have that feature, Instagram remains a popular easy-to-use video editing app. I am impressed by the font choices and effects Instasize offers. You find more information about Instasize video along with tutorials here: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/instasize-video/

PosterMyWall is a graphic design tool. In its massive library, you’ll find videos. Easily modify them, post them in your web content or share them on social media sites. Some PosterMyWall videos are so short they remind me of ads instead of videos. Find more information about PosterMyWall and tutorials here: https://www.mostlyblogging.com/postermywall/

Wrap Up: What is Online Editing?

In closing, this post explained the answer to “What is online editing?” This guide also offered you free tools and more information so you can do your own online editing of static images, text, and videos.

These digital marketing strategies help you stand out online.

Readers, please share so other marketers learn these digital marketing editing tips and tricks.

Can you suggest more examples that answer the question, “What is online editing?”

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This article original appeared at https://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/what-is-online-editing

Janice Wald