Category Archives for "ThinkBalm Reports"

Crypto – Blockchain Revolution: Bringing Change to the World of Finance

Crypto-Blockchain Revolution: Bringing Change to the World of Finance Banks have existed since the late 1700s and have been the go-to financial institution for generations. But like how they made barter trading obsolete, banks are currently facing what could very well bring their end. Cryptocurrencies, through blockchain technology, are gradually taking control of the world […]

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Understanding Blockchain

Understanding Blockchain: From Decentralization to Anonymity If you’ve heard of bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, then you’ve surely heard about the technology that makes it all possible—blockchain. And in just a matter of years, this so-called digital ledger became synonymous with words like “decentralization” and “anonymity”, inspiring confidence among traders and businesses around the globe. […]

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February 11, 2021

The Wealth Effect Failure

People tend to increase spending when the prices of their stock market and real estate assets rise. They perceive it as an increase to their financial security. This is known as the wealth effect. “The wealth effect is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to spend more as the value of their assets rises. The […]

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February 3, 2021

Planning Your Email Marketing

Your best chance of success with email marketing is to create a plan based on the products that you want to promote. It all starts with your product funnel, which leads to your content marketing plan, which leads to your email marketing calendar. All email marketing should be focused on promoting your products and/or services […]

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December 8, 2020

The 5 Challenges All Online Retail Stores Face

The Challenges All Online Retail Stores Face In the last 10 to 15 years, e-commerce has revolutionized the retail business, and eCommerce not only made progress rapidly but transformed with time to meet the ever-changing desires and requirements of consumers of the modern time. eCommerce is the best way to grow your business. There are […]

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July 9, 2019

How To Find Commercial Intent Keywords

I’ve been getting questions about keyword research, how to find “buying” keywords. I’ll give you the answer in two parts. First up are two popular keyword tools. The Wordtracker Labs Question Tool and the Google Keyword Research Tool. For example, if your market is in the weight loss niche, just type in the root word […]

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December 9, 2012

How to Make Money with Videos

How to hit the YouTube home page and earn money from your viral videos. I was watching a network news journalist interview a teenage girl and her family. Her silly music video generated over 250,000 dollars in the first couple of months alone. Now her family is quarter million dollars richer! Not bad for an […]

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